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Contaminated Products and Recall

AIG has decades of expertise in helping retailers and manufacturers minimise losses that arise from contaminated and defective products.

Why Choose AIG for Contaminated Products and Recall Insurance?

Product recalls can be damaging for retailers and manufacturers who face the threats of loss of sales, customer confidence, hard-won retail shelf space and contracts. AIG Contaminated Products and Recall insurance helps minimise this damage while demonstrating reliability and professionalism to wholesale and retail connections.

We cover losses arising from contaminated products for manufacturers, retailers and distributors of topical or ingestible products, including food, drinks, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and tobacco. Additionally, we cover defective products for manufacturers of finished goods. Businesses can rely on AIG’s broad expertise as a dedicated market leader ready to effectively address claims. 

The AIG Advantage

AIG Contaminated Products and Recall Insurance solutions

Contaminated Products Product Profile 

PDF file - 42.2 KB

Defective Products Product Profile

PDF file - 86.2 KB

Reasons to Buy Contaminated Products & Recall Insurance 

PDF file - 358.2 KB

Claims Scenarios 

PDF file -174.5 KB

For manufacturers, retailers and distributors of topical or ingestible products: food, drinks, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and tobacco. Covers losses from accidental or unintentional contamination, impairment or mislabelling from production to sale that could result in harm to users within 120 days of contact. Also covers actual, alleged or threatened, intentional tampering with the product to make it harmful and threats to tamper with a product in order to extort money.  Covered costs include:

  • Recall costs
  • Business interruption (lost gross profit)
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Consultancy costs
  • Adverse publicity (optional)

For manufacturers, retailers and distributors of finished consumer products. Covers includes: Accidental omission, introduction or substitution of components or substances. Errors occurring in any stage from design, through to labelling and storage. Intentional damage that could cause the product the product to be harmful. The policy covers costs to inspect, withdraw, or destroy the product incurred within 12 months after the recall, including:

  • Communication (radio, TV, Internet, ads…)
  • Shipping from purchaser, distributor or user
  • Overtime and additional personnel costs
  • Storage costs and cost of disposal
  • Redistribution
  • Independent Security, PR or Recall Consultants

Our Contaminated Products and Recall Insurance team

View contact information for AIG UK’s Contaminated Products and Recall Insurance leaders